People Model Canvas

The People Model
Canvas Certification

How to Create the Conditions for Sustainable People Performance & Engagement in a Volatile Environment with the People Model Canvas.

For Whom

Internal HR Teams of Customers, HR Consulting Offices/Consultants, Professional Leadership Coaches, Freelancers


4x3.5h Modules (Theory & Case Studies) 2x2h (Field Practice with Customers)


A resources library will be accessible to certified practitioners including videos, podcasts, downloadable brochures, templates, and images.

What You Will Learn

Welcome to our certification program on the People Model Canvas!

By the end of this program, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the essential elements required for individuals to perform well in today’s unpredictable business landscape.

They will receive a set of practical and effective strategies, tools, and techniques to tackle these challenges successfully.

They will be able to effectively design and implement people-centred strategies in the fields of organisation management, performance management, competence management, talent management and reward management that align with your organisation’s vision and goals.

Upon completion of this program, they will have the skills and knowledge needed to become a certified People Model Canvas practitioner, able to facilitate workshops, train others, and drive people-centred change in organisations.

We look forward to supporting you on this exciting journey!

Reggy-Charles Degen
Founder & Author

What's inside?

Modules Overview

The program focuses on the 3 key areas of activities every HR and line manager should master:
  • Putting the right roles with the right goles in place
  • Putting the right people in the right roles
  • Structuring the right compensation for the right contribution

Module 1

The Vision behind the Concept of a “People Model Canvas”.

Module 2

Designing an Agile and Collaborative Organisation.

Module 3

Talent – Becoming a Certified Facilitator of Collaborative Talent Reviews with Case Studies.

Module 4

Talent – Practicing Collaborative Talent Reviews and Creating a HR Roadmap

Module 5

Reward – Using PMC to Identify and Resolve Equity Reward Issues (even without Reward & Benefits Expertise)

Module 6

Talent – Co-facilitating 2 Talent Reviews

Enrol Now

Join over 4,000+ startups already growing with PMC Certifiaction.

Modules Details

In Depth

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Module 1

The Vision behind the Concept of a “People Model Canvas”.

Five observations to understand why it is so difficult to have high-performing people in organisations.

Four reasons why performance management will become even more complex.

Two paradigm shifts to transform management and improve employee performance and engagement.

Focus on a key competence for maximum impact.

Three recommendations for creating a shared communication model to boost employee performance & engagement.

Module 2

Designing an Agile and Collaborative Organisation

The 11 Dimensions of each GEP and what to do when you hesitate between two GEPs.

How to facilitate an ExpectationScan or a GEP workshop in your/an organisation.

The vision behind the interview questions per GEP.

The vision behind the Best Management Practices per GEP.

How to answer the 11 Job Description Questions.

The benefits of leveraging GEP for job titles coherence.

The vision behind internal vs. external Job Titles.

Setting Goals that correspond to the person in the role.

Building Career Paths..

Module 3, 4, 6

Collaborative Talent Reviews and HR Roadmaps

Becoming a Certified Facilitator of Collaborative Talent Reviews with Case Studies. Practicing Talent Reviews and Creating a HR Roadmap (4H with Case Studies). Co-facilitating 2 Talent Reviews (2 X 2H Field Work with Live-Customers)

Introduction to Talent analytics and insights.

Team Scan

Onboarding of the Managers into the Methodology.

Talent Reviews

Self Scan

Onboarding of the Team Members into the Methodology.

Meaningful and Actionable One-On-Ones.

How to read the Analytics provided by the tool based on the TeamScan.

Drawing conclusions about your company based on the Analytics.

Creating an HR Strategic agenda.

Module 5

Using PMC to Identify and Resolve Equity Reward Issues

Even without Reward & Benefits Expertise.

Introduction to Reward (Reward for non-Reward Experts).

Market-Based Pay Range (MBPR) for each Role (Understanding the The General Reward Matrix)

Variable part of Reward Packages are linked to the GEPs (Understanding the The General Reward Matrix)

Other benefits including Long-Term Incentive Plans (Understanding the The General Reward Matrix)

Setting up an Equitable Pay Policy with MyQ7Reward - Leveraging past, present and future dimensions as well as your budget to calculate salary increases.

Transparency in the Reward & Benefits Area.


Enrol Now

Enrolment Form

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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the People Model Canvas Certification.

Yes, you can try us for free for 30 days. If you want, we’ll provide you with a free, personalized 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running as soon as possible.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please email to our friendly team.
Love the simplicity of the service and the prompt customer support. We can’t imagine working without it.

— Olivia Rhye

Head of Design, Layers

Love the simplicity of the service and the prompt customer support. We can’t imagine working without it.

— Olivia Rhye

Head of Design, Layers

Love the simplicity of the service and the prompt customer support. We can’t imagine working without it.

— Olivia Rhye

Head of Design, Layers

For Whom

For Everyone

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The People Model Canvas Certification

How to Create the Conditions for Sustainable People Performance & Engagement in a Volatile Environment with the People Model Canvas.


What You Will Learn

Upon completion of this program, they will have the skills and knowledge needed to become a certified People Model Canvas practitioner, able to facilitate workshops, train others, and drive people-centred change in organisations.

Internal HR teams of Customer

Use the Q7Leader methodology independently.

Facilitate ExpectationScan, TeamScan, SelfScan, ManagerScan, MyQ7Reward.

Facilitate collaborative talent workshops.

HR Consulting Offices/Consultants

Acquiring a diagnostic tool for the organisation's key issues before offering their own services (L&D, leadership development, executive coaching, cultural change, etc.).

Professional Leadership Coaches

Individual and group.

Coaching with Q7 Leader’s customers.

Coaching managers using the TeamScan.

Coaching team members using the SelfScan.

Coaching team members using the ManagerScan.

Coaching on non PMC related topics (interpersonal issues, personal coaching, ...).


Helping Customer Success Manager (CSM) for a client deployment.

Take the lead of a deployment of own customers or Q7Leader customers.

Companies using

People Model Canvas

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Enrol Now

Join over 4,000+ startups already growing with PMC Certifiaction.

If one or two dates don’t work for your schedule, feel free to pick the cycle anyways and contact us, we will register you in another group for the ones you miss

Certification June 2024 FR

Certification June-July 2024 EN

Certification Sept-Oct 2024 EN

Certification Sept-Oct 2024 FR

Certification Oct 2024 EN

Certification Oct 2024 FR

Certification Nov-Dec 2024 EN

Certification Nov-Dec 2024 FR

Coming Soon!

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